The New Energy Economics

Building new solar and wind is now often lower cost
than operating many existing coal plants.

Lower Customer Bills

"It was a better plan for us to move forward with the closure of the [coal units] from the economics for our customers than it was to continue operating these plants...What we expect is that going forward, this is going to continue saving our customers money."

-Alice Jackson, President
Xcel Energy, Colorado

Benefit the Bottom Line

"I was stunned. A [new] solar plant ends up being the best part of our mix. I was surprised. That's why you do the studies. Data is an amazing thing."

-General Manager
Midwestern municipal utility

“New Energy Economics (NEE) is entering state-based regulatory proceedings and policy discussions with a clear economic message – that clean energy is now fundamentally cheaper than running existing coal plants, provides more positive economic development, and improves state business investment and jobs opportunities.”

Ron Lehr, NEE Board Chair, and former Chair of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission




New Energy Economics helps policy, utility and stakeholder energy decision-makers collect and analyze data to determine the most cost-effective path. Costs and performance of key energy technologies are evolving rapidly and require deep analysis to determine the most economical and compatible solutions.

Economic Benefits

Energy policy and resource procurement decisions are often adversarial and tribalized. We focus on neutral data, seeking to promote the most cost-effective solutions by analyzing the economics. We are founded on the belief that decision-makers can make the best choice when armed with a comprehensive understanding of new technologies and market economics. Let the data speak for itself. 

Learn more about our data-driven approach.

Contact Us

New Energy Economics is a 501(c)(3) organization offering independent, non-partisan analysis and engagement in state regulatory arenas. We are philanthropically funded by foundations and individuals that want to move beyond the adversarial and tribal nature of the debate over energy policy and believe that thoroughly evaluating all energy options will result in a win-win-win path forward that lowers utility costs and rates, maintains reliability, and accelerates sustainable economic development for local communities and states. We are committed to collaboration and consensus-building.